"When I closed on my first house, I felt so accomplished as a mother giving my babies a place they could call home"
- First Time Home Buyer
Think .
We have a gazillion thoughts running through our head. Prioritize them.
You can not accomplish much without planning. Let go of unproductive cycles. "A man without a vision for his future always returns to their past."
Action.I think it's time you set things in motion. "Excuses are a time thief. Have goals, accept responsibility and take action."
Hi, I’m Coach Nicolas
I will be your personal home buying coach and mindset consultant. The reason I got into real estate is to make a difference. Too many people are missing out on the freedom and sense of accomplishment that buying gives homeowners because of fear. Lets change that.. Welcome to Coached to Close.
Enroll Today!
This program acts as the buyers cheerleader. We believe that if you can change your mindset, you can change your address. Change is hard, which is why 70% of individuals don't accomplish the goals they set forth.
This prevents many buyers completing the home buying process. In this program we will customize your home buying journey and make it easier for you to take the first step, then the next until you are closing on your first home!